Changes and Updates

Modifications and Updates

Policy Updates

At VNB-IT, we are committed to keeping our policies up to date with the latest legal regulations and industry best practices. Our legal notices, privacy policy, as well as other policies and procedures may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or in legal requirements.

User Responsibility

We encourage all users to regularly review these documents on our website to stay informed of the latest changes. It is your responsibility to be aware of these updates. Continuing to use our website and services after changes to these policies will constitute your acceptance of the new terms.

Notification of Changes

To facilitate this awareness, we will endeavor to notify users of any significant changes in our policies by the following means:
  • Site Notification: A notice will be prominently posted on our website informing of the policy updates.
  • Email: For major changes, an email summarizing the changes and their potential impact may be sent to users who have opted to receive such notifications.

Access to Previous Versions

We archive all previous versions of our policies so that users can review them. If you wish to access a previous version of a policy, please contact our customer service, who will be pleased to assist you.
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